Robots‘ Ethical Systems

„A Construction Manual for Robots‘ Ethical Systems“, herausgegeben von Robert Trappl, widmet sich „modern applications such as assistive robots and self-driving cars“. Der Verlag schreibt in seiner Information: „This book will help researchers and engineers in the design of ethical systems for robots, addressing the philosophical questions that arise and exploring modern applications such as assistive robots and self-driving cars. The contributing authors are among the leading academic and industrial researchers on this topic and the book will be of value to researchers, graduate students and practitioners engaged with robot design, artificial intelligence and ethics.“ (Information Springer) Das Buch mit Beiträgen von Luís Moniz Pereira, Ari Saptawijaya, Michael Anderson und Susan Leigh Anderson ist 2015 bei Springer erschienen und hat 210 Seiten. Weitere Informationen über