MOOC zu autonomen mobilen Robotern

Am 14. Februar 2014 startet der MOOC „Autonomous Mobile Robots: Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots – basic concepts and algorithms for locomotion, perception, and intelligent navigation“. In der Beschreibung auf der Website heißt es: „Robots are rapidly evolving from factory workhorses, which are physically bound to their work-cells, to increasingly complex machines capable of performing challenging tasks in our daily environment. The objective of this course is to provide the basic concepts and algorithms required to develop mobile robots that act autonomously in complex environments. The main emphasis is put on mobile robot locomotion and kinematics, environment perception, probabilistic map based localization and mapping, and motion planning.“ Der Kurs wird u.a. von Prof. Dr. Roland Siegwart, Dr. Paul Furgale und Dr. Margarita Chli geleitet. Er dauert 15 Wochen, bei einer Arbeitsbelastung von fünf Stunden pro Woche. Ob auch auf Maschinen- oder Roboterethik eingegangen wird, ist nicht bekannt.