Ask Social Robotics Girl!

On November 6, 2023, OpenAI made so-called GPTs available to ChatGPT Plus users. According to the US company, anyone can easily create his or her own GPT without any programming knowledge. Initial tests have shown the performance of the new function. ChatGPT suggests a name for the chatbot, creates the profile picture and accepts documents with text and reference lists to expand its knowledge of the topic. The function is ideal for creating your own learning companions, modern educational agents so to speak. But you can also benefit from chatbots from other users and providers. A GPT called Social Robotics Girl, which provides information about social robotics, has been available since November 12, 2023. It was created by Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel and is based on a collection of his articles on this topic. It can therefore give his definition of social robots and make classifications based on his five-dimension model. ChatGPT Plus users can access Social Robotics Girl via

Fig.: A young man with a chatbot (Image: DALL-E 3)