On July 22, 2021, Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel, as client, submitted a project to the School of Business FHNW, entitled „CARE-MOMO: A Morality Module for a Care Robot“. There are more and more robots being used in nursing and care. Most of them are prototypes, some – like Lio and P-Care from F&P Robotics – are products that are manufactured in small series. Machine ethics researches and creates moral machines. These are often guided by certain values or meta-rules, they follow predetermined rules, or they learn from situations and adapt their behavior. Michael Anderson and Susan L. Anderson presented their value-driven eldercare robot at the 2019 Berlin Colloquium by invitation of Oliver Bendel. He and his teams have created 16 concepts and implementations of moral machines and social robots over the past decade. He has been researching systems and robots in the healthcare sector for just as long. The CARE-MOMO is a morality module for a robot in the manner of Lio. The idea is that the robot acquires clearly delimited moral abilities in addition to its usual abilities. The focus is to have it perform an act or speech act with high reliability based on a moral assumption or reasoning, with a clearly identifiable benefit to the caregiver or the care recipient. The result is a morality module that can in principle be used by a robot like Lio. In August 2021, it will be decided whether the project can be implemented in this form.

Fig.: LIO with magnetic eyes

Robots‘ Ethical Systems

„A Construction Manual for Robots‘ Ethical Systems“, herausgegeben von Robert Trappl, widmet sich „modern applications such as assistive robots and self-driving cars“. Der Verlag schreibt in seiner Information: „This book will help researchers and engineers in the design of ethical systems for robots, addressing the philosophical questions that arise and exploring modern applications such as assistive robots and self-driving cars. The contributing authors are among the leading academic and industrial researchers on this topic and the book will be of value to researchers, graduate students and practitioners engaged with robot design, artificial intelligence and ethics.“ (Information Springer) Das Buch mit Beiträgen von Luís Moniz Pereira, Ari Saptawijaya, Michael Anderson und Susan Leigh Anderson ist 2015 bei Springer erschienen und hat 210 Seiten. Weitere Informationen über