A Robodog With a Dog Costume

Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel introduced the term „robot enhancement“ in 2020 and has since used it in several articles and book chapters. Robot enhancement is the extension and associated modification or improvement of the robot by the user or a company, for example in functional, aesthetic, ethical, or economic terms. The word was coined in reference to „human enhancement“ and „animal enhancement“, and can be used to describe both the field of work and the object. One form of robot enhancement is social robot enhancement, in which a social robot is enhanced or modified and improved. An impressive example of robot enhancement is shown in a video by Boston Dynamics. A „naked“ spot and a spot with a dog costume dance together in the hall where Atlas used to be seen again and again. Such robot enhancement should not necessarily be imitated by the user. There are some robots that cannot stand the costume and will heat up – to the point of becoming defective.

Fig.: The anatomy of Spot (Image: Boston Dynamics)

ICSR + BioMed 2024 in Asia

In addition to the ICSR in Odense, which focuses on social robotics and artificial intelligence, there is also the ICSR in Naples this year, which organizes a robot competition. In addition, an ICSR conference focusing on biomedicine and the healthcare sector will take place in Singapore from August 16-18, 2024. The website states: „The 16th International Conference on Social Robotics + BioMed (ICSR + BioMed 2024) focuses on interdisciplinary innovation on Bio-inspired, Biomedical, and Surgical Robotics. By fostering the much-needed merging of these disciplines, together with fast emerging Biotech, the conference aims to ensure the lesson learned from these communities blend to unleash the real potential of robots. … The conference will serve as the scientific, technical, and business platform for fostering collaboration, exploration, and advancement in these cutting-edge fields. It will showcase the latest breakthroughs and methodologies, shaping the future of robotics design and applications across several sectors including Biomedical and healthcare.“ (Website ICSR) Papers must be submitted by June 5, 2024. Further information on the conference is available at robicon2024.org.

Fig.: Ready for the competition