Internationale Konferenz zur Maschinenethik

Die Konferenz „Machine Ethics and Machine Law“ am 18. und 19. November in Krakau dürfte nach dem Symposium „Ethical and Moral Considerations in Non-Human Agents“ (21. – 23. März in Stanford) die wichtigste internationale Konferenz für Maschinenethik im Jahre 2016 sein. Die Keynotes am 19. November stammen von Ron Arkin („Lethal Autonomous Robots and the Plight of the Noncombatant“) und Amit Pandey („Contemporary Issues on Ethical Intelligence of a Socially Intelligent Consumer Robot“). In der darauffolgenden Podiumsdiskussion geht es um die Frage: „Should we develop robots that deceive?“ Es diskutieren Ron Arkin, Oliver Bendel, Jaap Hage und Mojca Plesnicar. In den Sessions am Nachmittag referieren u.a. Oliver Bendel, Lily Frank und Kathleen Richardson. Jaap Hage hält am 19. November seine Keynote zur Frage „Under which circumstances can we hold a machine responsible for its acts?“, Ewa Lukasik ihre Keynote über „Human Autonomy and the Hazards of Principle Agency in an Era of Expanding AI“. Es folgen eine weitere Podiumsdiskussion und Vorträge u.a. von Luís Moniz Pereira und Georgi Stojanov. Das gesamte Programm kann über die Website der Konferenz eingesehen werden; dort findet sich auch der Proceedingsband mit den Abstracts.


Abb.: Was bringen wir den Maschinen bei?

Machine Ethics and Law in Cracow

The call for papers for „Machine Ethics and Machine Law“ has been released. This international conference will take place in Cracow (Poland) from 18 to 19 November 2016. According to the announcement, the deadline for abstract submissions is 9 September 2016. The following information is provided on the website: „Artificial Intelligence systems have become an important part of our everyday lives. What used to be a subject of science fiction novels and movies has trespassed into the realm of facts. Many decision making processes are delegated to machines and these decisions have direct impact on humans and societies at large. This leads directly to the question: What are the ethical and legal limitations of those artificial agents? Issues such as liability, moral and legal responsibility (in different contexts: from autonomous cars to military drones) are coming into the forefront. It is clear that some constraints should be imposed; both the unintended and often unforeseen negative consequences of the technological progress, as well as speculative and frightening views of the future portrayed in the works of fiction, leave no doubt that there ought to be some guidelines. The problem is to work out these constraints in a reasonable manner so that machine can be a moral and legal agent, or else argue that it is impossible and why.“ (conference website) The conference is a follow-up of the AAAI Spring Symposium on „Ethical and Moral Considerations in Non-Human Agents“ which was held in March 2016 at Stanford University. Further information via (link no longer valid).


Fig.: Moral machines are also relevant in farming